Storm Warning – Be Prepared
- Have an emergency kit ready. Be prepared for power outages.
- Talk with your family/friends about what you would do during a winter weather-related emergency, at home or in the car.
- Make a personalized preparedness emergency kit. Families should be prepared to be self-sustaining for at least three days.
- Kits should include practical items such as drinking water, food, cash, and a portable radio. However, they should also include items that are unique to your own families’ needs. This could include baby items, medical prescriptions, pet food, etc.
- Listen to local news and weather reports for information on changing weather conditions.
- Winterize your home and car emergency kit with warm clothing and blankets. Buy rock salt and sand to melt ice and improve traction.
- Make sure you have shovels and snow removal equipment handy.
- Prepare your vehicle for winter weather and create an emergency kit for your vehicle. Keep the gas tank full. Always check local weather conditions before heading out on the road
- If you have to go outside, dress appropriately, and watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia