Vulnerable Persons Registry
Do you have a loved one who may be considered a vulnerable person? If so, we encourage you to consider registering them for the Vulnerable Persons Registry (VPR).
Registration for the VPR is completely voluntary and designed to help alleviate safety concerns.
Initiative Overview
The Vulnerable Persons Registry (VPR) is a free community-based initiative that provides local policing services with quick access to critical information on vulnerable persons in the community.
The goal of the VPR is to assist officers in communicating with, and/or attending, a residence of an individual in a way that is most effective to the registrant.
- Bradford
- West Gwillimbury
- Innisfil
An individual can register himself or herself, or, if they are unable to do so, a parent/legal guardian or other legal authority can register them.
The type of information gathered includes:
- Emergency contact information
- Detailed physical descriptions
- Known routines and special needs
Please note that this information will only be shared with relevant organizations in the event of an emergency.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Vulnerable Persons Registry (VPR) is a community-based policing initiative in partnership with the local Police Services and local community agencies.
The registry promotes communication between vulnerable persons, the people who support them, and the police. This information will assist officers when responding to an emergency involving a vulnerable individual.
The registry provides quick access to critical information about a registered person, such as who to call in an emergency, a detailed physical description, and any particular sensitivities that the person may experience.
A vulnerable person is defined as a person who due to medical, cognitive, mental health, or physical condition may exhibit patterns of behavior that may pose a danger to that person.
Examples of Vulnerable Persons may include persons with autism, dementia, acquired brain injury, cerebral palsy that may cause a person to exhibit atypical behaviours (e.g. wandering, physical instability, inability to communicate, aggression, irrational fear, oversensitivity to sensory stimulus (sounds, lights, touch).
Getting Started
For additional information or to register, please visit the VPR website.
Feel free to review the Vulnerable Persons Registry FAQs or call 1-888-812-4287. For more information, contact us today.