As CHATS moves forward with pandemic recovery
As CHATS moves forward with pandemic recovery, programs and services are planning to ramp up volumes slowly and cautiously. We expect that by late Spring/Early Summer, our programs/services will be operating close to pre-pandemic levels. In this context, and with ongoing consideration of best/emerging practices in the sector, CHATS has undertaken a comprehensive review of our COVID-related protocols.
It is important to note that many of our core practices remain in place including masking, screening, PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) use and hand hygiene. These basic IPAC practices continue to be our front line of defense. Together, they help to ensure that clients, staff, and volunteer are safe.
The following provides a summary of the practices that have changed and those that remain in place:
IPAC Practices Remaining in Place:
· Screening
· Masking
· Cleaning and Sanitation in program/service delivery locations (including vehicles)
· PPE Use
· Paid and Volunteer Driver Capacity
New or Revised IPAC Practices:
· Distancing: No longer required when masks are worn
· RAT (Raid Antigen Testing): Changes have been made to the current processes related to exposures, symptoms, or travel.
Updated guidance can be found here: RATGuidance_Feb2023
· Surface Cleaning in Offices: May be reduced.
· MOW Deliveries: Returning to all pre-pandemic protocols.
· Office Capacity: Returning to pre-pandemic levels in meeting rooms and other office spaces, including the PODS (with masking).
· Program Capacity: Returning to pre-pandemic levels with masks.
· Return From Hospital:
In-home services: Full PPE can now be discontinued on day 7 if the client can complete a RAT on the day of return and again on day 5 and 6, RATs are negative, and the client remains symptom free. If client is unable to test, is positive on either RAT or develops symptoms, full PPE must be maintained for 10 days.
Community/ADP Programs: Clients may return to program on Day 7 if the client can complete a RAT on day 5 and 6, both are negative, and the client remains symptom free. If the client is unable to test, is positive on either RAT or develops symptoms, the client may return to the program on Day 11.
Visitors in Office: Visitors are welcomed back and must complete the same screening process and wear a mask in the office/sites.