Thank You To CHATS PSW/HSW Mentors
CHATS- Community & Home Assistance to Seniors would like to thank and recognize the crucial role of our PSW Mentors.
CHATS PSW/HSW Mentors play an indispensable role in providing guidance, feedback, and support to Home and Personal Support Workers during onboarding, as well as to students during their placements.
At the heart of the PSW/HSW Mentor role, lies the commitment to provide unwavering support to peers, exemplifying a dedication to the growth and success of the CHATS support worker community.
For new employees, the onboarding process can be both exciting and overwhelming. PSW/HSW Mentors step in to provide a supportive hand during this crucial phase. They share insights gained from their own experiences, offer practical advice, and foster a welcoming environment for their mentees to flourish. This mentorship during onboarding sets the stage for a strong foundation, ensuring that new team members feel valued and confident in their roles.
The PSW/HSW Mentor role is an additional responsibility willingly undertaken by individuals who already excel in their primary roles as PSWs or HSWs. Their commitment to uplifting their colleagues and supporting their growth demonstrates a passion for excellence that goes above and beyond the call of duty.
The role of PSW/HSW Mentors is a testament to the collaborative and supportive spirit that defines CHATS organizational culture. Their dedication to providing guidance, feedback, and support contributes significantly to the professional development of our team members and the overall quality of care we offer.
Let us take a moment to recognize and appreciate the invaluable contributions of our PSW/HSW Mentors in fostering a culture of continuous learning and excellence.

Andrea Nelson

Bernadette Benjamin

Diana Pauda

Jennifer Milford

Kim Vani

Marigold Chung

Mary Joy Magala

Rosita Manguay

Cheryl Taylor