Client Rights & Responsibilities
Client Privacy
CHATS makes every effort to safeguard client information by following the privacy practices established by the Common Privacy Framework (CPF) developed by Community Care Information Management (CCIM) in compliance with Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA), along with the data-sharing agreements with partners such as LHINs and eHealth Ontario.
CHATS shares and has access to health record information with partner organizations to provide care. At all times, the personal health information collected by CHATS belongs to the client. All information collected is subject to the Client Consent to Collect, Maintain, and Share Information policy; consent can be revoked at any time
If you have any questions or concerns about privacy, please contact your usual care provider or our Privacy Officer.
Client Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
Dear CHATS Client or Caregiver,
As a client at CHATS, you and your family/caregiver(s) have both rights and responsibilities. These rights and responsibilities are important to you, and they are important to CHATS. They help to ensure that your care and support is the best that it can be and that both you and the CHATS care/support providers are safe and are treated with respect.
You have the right to:
- Respect and courtesy: Staff, volunteers and fellow clients must be polite and respectful to you. They must honour your rights as a person.
- No abuse or neglect: No one is allowed to abuse you physically, financially, sexually, verbally, or emotionally.
- Privacy and Decision Making: Information that you share with the care team will be kept confidential. Your records are also confidential. You have the right to be part of all decisions related to your care. “Nothing about you, without you”.
- Needs and Preferences: CHATS recognizes you as an individual and respects your lifestyle and your choices. CHATS will provide services, to the best of our abilities, that meet your needs and preferences.
- No Discrimination: No one at CHATS will discriminate against you for any reason.
- Easy to Understand Information: Information about your services will be provided to you in a way that is clear and accessible.
- Participation in Assessment and Care Planning: You have the right to be involved in the assessment of your needs and in the planning of your service. You may also have a family member or friend with you, during this process.
- Your permission is needed: CHATS cannot complete an assessment or provide service without your permission. You can change your mind at any time.
- Right to complain: You have the right to raise concerns about your service at any time. You should feel safe to do so. Your complaints/concerns will have no impact on your access to services.
- Access to your records: You have the right to access your records. CHATs must provide access in a time frame that allows you to make decisions about your care.
- Protecting your rights: If you feel your rights have not been respected, CHATS must investigate and resolve your concerns.
- Legal advice: You have the right to get legal advice, self-help and/or advocacy support related to the services that you receive from CHATS.
You have the responsibility to:
- Treat your CHATS team members with courtesy and respect, free from discrimination and harassment
- Provide all information required for us to safely deliver service and meet your individual care/support needs
- Provide consent so we can determine and initiate service
- Be informed and involved in the planning of your care
- Follow your care plan to the best of your ability
- Tell us about any changes in your situation that could affect your service or care (for example, hospital stay or change in medications)
- Provide a safe working environment for CHATS staff by:
- Securing pets during visits if requested
- Ensuring that walkways to the home are well lit and clear of ice, snow, and other hazards
- Not smoking during visits
As a CHATS client, you have the right to discuss any concerns regarding services by calling CHATS at, 905-713-6596 or toll-free at 1-877-452-4287.